The Medical Association of Lower Austria recommends wearing masks in ordination for infections even after the end of the mask requirement.
The end for all Corona measures with June 30.
“The end of many Corona rules is to be welcomed,” said Harald Schlögel, president of the Medical Association of Lower Austria. “But a mask not only protects against the Corona virus, it also protects against other infectious diseases.”
Infectious diseases decreased due to masks
When wearing them was still mandatory in many places during the pandemic, many infectious diseases were prevented or pushed back, he said. They have risen back to old levels “since the mask is no longer our constant companion,” he said.
Doctors can continue to prescribe the wearing of masks in offices
Even if the mask obligation in Ordinationen is terminated starting from Monday officially, individual solutions are possible, informed the medical association. Specifically, this means that a doctor can “continue to prescribe the wearing of the mask in his or her practice if a need is seen for it,” Schlögel said.
Rauch: “Wearing a mask will continue to make sense in the future”
“FFP2 masks remain an effective protection against infection not only with Corona, but also against many other infectious diseases. Especially when in close contact with older people or people with pre-existing conditions, wearing a mask will continue to make sense in the future,” Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) also said in a statement.
“The high immunity of the population allows us to end the protective measures in an orderly manner,” Rauch affirmed on the upcoming end of the mask requirement. The risk group exemption regulation will also end on April 30. It allowed people exempted from duty who cannot work in a home office and for whom there is no workplace protection option. On June 30, all remaining Corona measures are scheduled to end, so Corona will no longer be a reportable disease.
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